Mullis Orchards
Mullis Orchards
Mullis Orchards is a family-owned apple orchard two miles north of Corinna on Route 7, Dexter Road. The retail farm stand is located on the main road, with our 10-acre orchard found one-half mile north on Shaker Road.
Pick your own is open during the season in our scenic orchard overlooking hills and forests. We have four acres of tasty Macs, Corrtlands, and other varieties in a quiet, scenic setting. Take your time as you stroll through the orchard, enjoying the scenery and beauty. We have six varieties to pick, and this season we offer picnic tables, and acres to walk. Our mission is to supply our customers with the freshest produce possible in a friendly, small-town environment. Visit us and follow the season with our many apple varieties. Be sure to check out our pears and decorative gourds. Enjoy award winning local maple syrup and our own raw honey available at the stand. And don’t forget to take home some sweet cider for later.
Looking for the perfect pumpkin? We have all sizes and shapes for your decorating and cooking needs.
Contact – Brent, Patty, Brendan Mullis
McIntosh, Cortland, Macoun, Honeycrisp, Zestar, Northern Spy, Yellow and Red Delicious, Empire, and More!
Mullis Orchards
128 Shaker Road
Corinna, ME 04928
Farm Stand
270 Dexter Road
Corinna, ME 04928
- Penobscot County
- facebook/mullis-orchards
- 207-278-3704